In partnership
Ready to start your own business?
An employer identification number (EIN) helps you register a business entity, obtain a business loan, open a business checking account, and much more. Rosalina Perez, WEOC WBC Program Manager for the Northeast Indiana Innovation Center, will walk through Form SS-4 - the application needed to retrieve an EIN. There will be two sessions: 2-3 p.m. and 3-4 p.m. Seating is limited!
This is an opportunity to learn more about the journey to entrepreneurship. The public is invited to connect directly with community and banking resources, and join us from 5 to 6 p.m., as Rosalina and a lineup of speakers share the next steps to success!
This free community event is a part of the Welcoming Week Celebration hosted by Welcoming Fort Wayne. Thank you to our partners at NIIC and the Allen County Public Library!
Register for the sessions today - seating is limited:
2 to 3 p.m.: Register HERE For 2 to 3 p.m. EIN Learning Session
3 to 4 p.m. Register HERE 3 to 4 p.m. EIN Learning Session