Community Advisory Board
Thank you for your interest in joining the Amani Community Advisory Board (CAB).
The CAB is an essential resource that supports Amani’s mission, which is: “To partner with immigrant and refugee families and the community, to promote safety, encourage personal growth, and foster a spirit of belonging”. The participants are recruited from the same community as Amani’s client population, and provide valuable insight about the needs and wants of immigrants and refugees living in Allen County.
What is the purpose of the Community Advisory Board (CAB)?
To provide insight to Amani for the development of programming for immigrants and refugees, give feedback, and recommendations.
To develop CAB projects, starting with a series of informational meetings for immigrants and refugees on a variety of topics that are suggested and informed by intended users.
To help position Amani as a trauma-responsive and leading agency serving immigrants and refugees in Allen County.
How being a member of the Amani CAB can benefit you:
Meet and connect with other immigrants/refugees and individuals who value diverse experiences
Make a difference and help improve services to local immigrant/refugee families
Help your community and plan educational sessions for immigrants/refugees
Share what you know as an immigrant/refugee, use your own experience and help others understand what it’s like
Practice your leadership skills and increase your network within a professional setting
How it works:
The CAB will meet for 1 hour, once every other month, at the office of Amani Family Services, 5104 N. Clinton Street on the first Wednesday of every other month. Meetings will be consensus-based and will not use Robert’s Rules of Order. Once the CAB is organized, the members will determine the leadership structure for the group.
How can we help you participate?
Amani will provide language interpreters, refreshments, and space for children to play and color with the help of volunteers. Amani will provide transportation on a case-by-case basis. For any accommodation, please ask, and we will try our best with the resources we have.
What is required:
To be an immigrant or refugee (born outside of the US) OR to have lived a long time (10+ years) outside of the US
To be genuinely interested in supporting Amani’s vision, which is “Immigrant and refugee families and the community working together to build a secure, vibrant, and cohesive society”.
Attend at least 3 of the 5 CAB meetings each year
We also expect that CAB members:
Voice their opinion and focus on the well-being of the entire community
Respect the potential confidentiality of information shared by other members
Leave any political agenda outside of Amani’s door
Appreciate meeting people who may speak a language other than theirs and who have life experiences different from theirs
How to apply:
To apply to be a member of the CAB, please follow the link below to our online application.
The online application will be sent directly to Ewelina Connolly, Cheif Executive Officer, at
Do you prefer a phone call or to meet in person to apply? Call Sarah Leone at (260) 484-1414 x528.
We will call or email you to let you know that your application was received. Applicants may be contacted to arrange an in-person interview.
Thank you for your interest in the CAB and in our multicultural community!