“ [Each] one of you is a beautiful flower…you make this garden beautiful …”

Ibitsam Zawahri,

mother of Malak Heiny, City Attorney

Immigration counts for 25 percent of the region’s growth

Local immigrants and refugees are fueling our city’s development. They are looking to start their new lives in a city that is full of potential. Many families will be starting this new journey from scratch.

Navigating new languages, learning new laws, finding community resources, understanding directions to the nearest grocery store — it can be overwhelming.

Amani Family Services walks alongside all local immigrants and refugees to help make this major transition a little less intimidating. Our community still has plenty of work to do, but when we work together, we make Fort Wayne a welcoming place for all.

WIth your support, Amani has served more than 1500 individuals so far this year. Donate now to join the journey.



A recurring donation of $25 a month can help inform the community of its best opportunities for inclusion.


Help fund the cost of weekly support groups for non-English speaking adults.


Provides two hours of supervised visitation between parents and children.


Sponsor an immigrant or refugee family path of adjustment.