


In collaboration with SCAN [Stop Child Abuse & Neglect], Amani bilingual case managers visit family homes to aid in the healthy integration of refugee and immigrant families.  All services are provided with the awareness of the rich cultural and personal strengths each individual and family brings as they partner to work with Amani towards their goals. 

WHAT: Short-term [4 months], home-based, one-on-one case management for any immigrant or refugee guardian needing support.  Support can be in the form of connection to community resources, parenting education, advocacy, or additional assistance related to goals set by the family. This is a voluntary, preventative program.

WHO: Any parent or guardian who feels stressed, overwhelmed or in need of support with children under the age of 18 living in their home

HOW: A referral can be completed two ways either for yourself or a family you know who may be interested in services:

  1. Call SCAN [1-800-752-7116]

  2. Fill out the form provided here.

SCAN will reach out & complete the initial assessment & an Amani representative will work with the family over the course of 4 months to assist in reaching goals. Since there are many agencies working in the Network for Safe Families, please indicate on your referral if you are interested in working specifically with Amani.